Origin - Latin patientia the ability to accept delay, trouble or suffering without becoming angry or upsed.
OK Im not sure that reason two or three above apply here but THANK YOU ALL for being so patient waiting for the news of my new Christmas soaps.
They are here!!!
I am so excited to bring this, my best selling Christmas soap, back this year. Its re-vamped and soooo much better. This soap bar is Christmas luxury at its best, warm and spicy scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and mixed spice (I have also added a hint of sandalwood for extra warmth). Let this lovely essential oil blend take you to the first time you take the Christmas Cake out of the oven and the whole house smells great. Made with whole fresh goats milk this bar is a creamy, bubbly delight. Imagine yourself relaxing in a hot bath with the spicy, scented steam rising around you as you sip your hot toddy, go on, you deserve it!! The top is decorated with dried oranges, anise and cinnamon scented soap curls. Also it's swirled with a rich bronze mica. Its a feast both for the eyes and the skin.
A real winter winner!
OK.... I really love this soap - it sold like crazy on its first public outing today at Budleigh Farmers Market - everyone loved the scent, I wish you could smell it right now.
New for 2010 a totally gorgeous soap. The snowberries are pure white with a touch of glitter surrounded by creamy smooth goats milk soap. Some are outlined with black, some are pure white, its a randomly beautiful mix. This soap has a crisp, cool mix of scents reminiscent of a winters day walk - you know the ones, lovely crunchy frost, the smell of fresh forests and cold earth. The main scent comes from pine and eucalyptus essential oils with spruce and menthol and a tiny bit of lavender and cedarwood. It's divine, my favorite winter mixture by far. Very, very different from the spicy richness of Christmas Spice Cake. This is truly a bathing experience, soooo bubbly and soft, and will be loved by both men and women alike. I am very proud of this soap!!
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Crisp, clean winter freshness |
Now I was going to call these little lovelies Christmas Wishes but I felt that sounded a bit naff, why not call them what they look like?
This is such a pretty cupcake, new for 2010.
With a dark pink base and duo shaded green icing these little cupcakes look so good. Topped off with a frosted silver soap star they will really make you think of Christmas. Lightly sprinkled with green sparkles and larger star sparkles, they really catch the light and the eye. Fantastic stocking fillers and they even smell like a Christmas tree as they are scented with pine essential oil. Also, this lovely cupcake has a mini version too. If you want to put smiles on faces this Christmas then this soap is a sure fire winner every time!
Cupcake heaven with with a magical silver frosted soap star on the top, the best thing is that it smells exactly like a Christmas tree cut freshly from the forest.
And finally.........................
Back by popular demand......................
Real soap mince pies exactly the same as Mum makes them! - Well this Mum anyway. Soap scented with apple, orange, cinnamon and spice, smells exactly like the real thing. Lovely bubbles for kids (and grownups too) this Christmas time treat makes the perfect stocking filler, just make sure they don't eat them!
When people see these soaps they are totally flummoxed and I love it - then they realise they are soap and the smiles and laughs are worth all the hassle making them. The new recipe, (handmade, natural cold process soap, no palm oil, no SLS, no parabens and no Melt and Pour) for this year is going down really well, they smell divine and look so lifelike, more photos to come.
We are going away to Portugal for Christmas - YIPEEEEEE!!- cant wait, probably a bad business move but I can't stop myself. We have never been there for The festive season and are so looking forward to it. What this means is, if you would like to make a very large order of soaps you will need to get the order in to me before Sunay 28th November to ensure delivery by Mid December. Otherwise just order as normal via the website Naturally Made Soaps and as long as you order before Friday 17th December we should be able to get your soaps to you before Christmas. If there are any problems we will get in touch.
We will be back in England on Wednesday January 12th although you will still be able to contact me via email, blog and (I hope) twitter
So I should get to blog before we go but keep looking at the NEWS section of my website to see where Naturally Made Soaps are appearing next, come along and catch up with me, it would be great to see you XXX
PS Please let me know what you think of my new soaps, I'd love to get some feedback, it all helps